Floating Street Hawkers Market

An attempt to solve Samarinda's "Street Hawkers" problems. Seeking space on the river as a solution for enabling the urban poor and the villages in the hinterland to have access to income as well as boosting tourism.

Sumitomo Auto Group Training Campus

Sumitomo Training Campus Located in Bogor

Estate Development

Estate Development

Barefoot Architecture

Barefoot Architects and Engineers: Student Volunteer Learning by Doing in Communities

Contact Person:

Email: green.triaco@gmail.com antoniodesk2012b@gmail.com Address: Home: Jl. Kesari No 1, BatuJimbar ,Sanur, Bali Office : Jl. Batursari No.99 Sanur, Bali Phone #: Office/Fax: +62 361 285 476 Mobile: +62 81 139 5140 Home:+62 361 281 985
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